Ashley is a crazy mentally ill lady. She will trick you into believing her lies, she will rob you blind and have sex with all your friends never trust an Ashley she’s a true narcissist
by Machine 2023 August 12, 2023
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Ashley is a really beautiful girl. Everyone finds her attractive, but she doesn’t see it. She’ll always be there for her friends, but if she doesn’t like you, good luck. A lot of people like her, some don’t, but she doesn’t care. Ashley is a positive person & loves to make other people happy. If you have an Ashley in your life, count yourself lucky, she’s special❤️ 🔥
Person 1: Hey, have you seen Ashley?
Person 2: Yeah she’s right there
by leiarobin November 22, 2021
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Everyone Should Know Her Name By Now Edgy But Soft In The Inside who is A Witch in training with the Help of Her Pal Red
You Better Know My Name Cause it’s Ashley
by QuickSilxxzr June 1, 2022
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Ashley is the best girl in the world, she is brilliant and kind and trustworthy, she has excellent reflexes and cares significantly about family and friends. Ashley loves animals and storms. Ahs likes music and hanging out with friends. She tends to overthink a lot and has trust issues. She fears losing people close to her and is scared of losing memories with change. She doubts herself but she is one of the best human beings on the earth.
Person 1: Hey have you met Ashley
Person 2: I have she is amazing!!
by oneoutof8billion June 19, 2022
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Seems nice at first but continuously hurts your feelings and acts like she did nothing wrong and makes you feel like you're the problem.
Also spreads rumors about those she's jealous of. Poor May..
Ashley needs to be nicer to people
Yeah she does..
by Bruhhhhhhnwosk September 5, 2022
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Ashley is an over-dramatic girl, when it comes to not sharing and ''leaving'' her out she will get sad and she will move to another place and stop being your friend. Ashley is a kind girl and looks out for her friends but she takes things over the top which can be annoying and it mostly happens to the first friend she makes. If I were you to be friends with ashley i would take the chance to not be her friend if you dont want drama to be caused and you be friends with her every 2 days or so but shes a loyal friend so keep her if you must.
''hi would you like to be friends again?'' - ashley
''no sorry you keep unfriending me for silly reasons i dont wanna deal with that all the time'' - random
by Sumayyaa October 9, 2021
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Ashley has a big friend, Ashley knows how to use his big friend very well. Ashley makes sure other girls especially his boog finish before he does. Be more like Ashley.
Ashley is a big man
by November 23, 2021
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