The third movie in the series of movies known as Word where the Numbers kill all the words except for those with the letter E.
Word 3 The numbers strike back. is by far the best in the series.
by HANDS MAKE ME ROCK HARD April 15, 2020
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student watches PORN and gets NæKED
Number 7: I really hate minorities
tom: me too
by kiddydiddler April 6, 2021
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during a sexual experience,when one defecates upon another's bald scalp, creating the illusion of a prefessionally purchased toupe'
His number-toupe' looked better than if he used rogaine.
by ryan daugherty November 17, 2007
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Any type of address that one is trolling from.
Troll: Trolling

Guy1 to Guy2: Get me his Trollback Number, I'm going to troll him back.
by tdizzle159 November 6, 2011
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The numbers on your food stamp card or SNAP card.
What’s your Benni Number
by Hoodcelebrityy October 15, 2019
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the number given by a runner (someone who buys drugs for minors) to the teens so that they can call him/her if they need something.
Yo that guy gave me a runner number.
Great now we dont have to steal the vodka from my parents.
by UrbanlegenD786 June 9, 2009
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“I’ve gotta take a number 1” means you have to use one of your bodies dispenser areas which is only done by taking a piss a “number 2” means obviously you use” 2” of them as the average person usually pees and poops at the same time
Jordan, are you going to the bathroom?”

“Yeah, mike I’m going to take a number 1”
by Urbanblackuser February 15, 2022
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