doing something subjectively meaningless, i.e. something that is objectively useful to everyone, including yourself, except the person who uses this phrase on you, who defines your activity as useless and subjective only to themselves).
mother: Adam, go help your father in the yard, if I may interrupt you. All you've been doing to day in playing Minecraft.

Adam: okay, I'll go help dad, but remember that the purpose, of playing Minecraft, I mean the actual game, is subjectively meaningless to youm, since everybody objectively defines it as useful except for you. (Adam goes off to help his dad).
by Sexydimma September 18, 2012
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A person with so many platonic husbands like its not even funny.
“Hey, did you hear about @moon..likes..Minecraft’s first husband?” “Oh god, I thought there was only one”
by Tonylopezsharts is gay December 29, 2022
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A soopid as bedrock edition copy. Used for "Education purpuses"
Just play java edition its just better in so many ways

Never EVER install Minecraft Education Edition
by DanneAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH March 13, 2023
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a person who likes to mess up Minecraft mini-games and\or get-togethers, could also be know as a katana
stop breaking blocks youre being a minecraft meanie
by bigboi_spamz January 29, 2020
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