Someone so swag and amazing, like woah swag, someone you’d want to kiss and hug.
Woah you see them? They’re so Bo
by Database_Transfer March 28, 2021
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A really cute black dog who is very large and loves going in the pool. Everyone’s favorite pet!!
Wow look at Bo, his eyes are golden colored!
by Socerrr game 61728 June 17, 2020
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To slap one on the back so as to stun them. Many different variations such as the bo and arrow and the bo-ne breaker.
Romil was stunned by the bo-ne breaker Cone delivered.
by Wugbug February 24, 2020
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A very slow and quite man who is a dickhead and nobody likes him.
He is such a Bo
by K Pop is nice March 5, 2022
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Bo: Bo means bro but is funnier and easier to say.
What is bo doing!
by GBPS Words June 20, 2023
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when you're in a hurry of some sort and instead of saying "no" you say "bo"
by SlimmThe November 21, 2021
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short for 'oimbo' which means a white person
You stupid Bo why the fuck does your dad own a fish and chip shop
by mr definar February 27, 2019
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