To slap one on the back so as to stun them. Many different variations such as the bo and arrow and the bo-ne breaker.
Romil was stunned by the bo-ne breaker Cone delivered.
by Wugbug February 24, 2020
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A very slow and quite man who is a dickhead and nobody likes him.
He is such a Bo
by K Pop is nice March 5, 2022
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Bo: Bo means bro but is funnier and easier to say.
What is bo doing!
by GBPS Words June 20, 2023
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when you're in a hurry of some sort and instead of saying "no" you say "bo"
by SlimmThe November 21, 2021
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short for 'oimbo' which means a white person
You stupid Bo why the fuck does your dad own a fish and chip shop
by mr definar February 27, 2019
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Bo is a name for boys and girls. They are usually very attractive people with a resting bitch face which can make them come across as intimidating but once you get to know them they are actually very sweet and helpful. Also they are very independent a Bo will never depend on anyone they become successful people.
"Look at that girl she is so hot." "Yeah, she is definitely a Bo."
by youarehotxoxo December 24, 2021
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Bo is the coolest guy u are ever gonna meet and ve is also sexy and super rich so u wonna hold on to him!
Oh.,he is such a Bo and i love it.
by Tomas toget October 9, 2018
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