A girl that is so traumatized and filled with issues that she gets turned on by the sound of a fucking gun.
Yoo dude I met a stone girl and she liked my gun
Bro idk if thats a good thing
by Rachel the bunny November 2, 2020
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Women born without vaginas. The symptom is known as vaginal agenesis.

Source of the word is most likely Chinese, from 石女, which literally means “stone girl”.
John: I just found out last night that Alice is a stone girl, how am I supposed to hit home run?
Tom: Oh bro, that sucks.
by Ointmaster October 7, 2023
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sara manera, an italian girl that has quite the attitude. she acts hella white and loves pizza and spaghetti. she’s got a bf named dylan and she loves to dick him down. he finna give her the carolina creampie 🤣
sara (pasta girl) manera is a ni🅱️🅱️a
by itsvalbtw March 8, 2019
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A girl that has a bubbly, poodle-like energy.
Even when throwing the egg at the dude and saying screw you, the poodle girl that didn't curse came off as poodle-like. Like a poodle trying to act tough instead of being herself, a poodle girl.
by Solid Mantis November 6, 2020
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A girl that has a bubbly, poodle-like energy.
Even when throwing the egg at the dude and saying screw you, the poodle girl that didn't curse came off as poodle-like. Like a poodle trying to act tough instead of being herself, a poodle girl. If you stood up to the mouthy poodle girl, it was rare that she did anything, and if she did, it was harmless.
by Solid Mantis November 6, 2020
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A girl that has a bubbly, poodle-like energy.
Even when throwing the egg at the dude and saying screw you, the poodle girl that didn't curse came off as poodle-like. Like a poodle trying to act tough instead of being herself, a poodle.
by Solid Mantis November 6, 2020
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