alternative lifestyle haircut (n) – A haircut or style that indicates its owner leads a life contrary to that of the conservative or heterosexual world. Also known as “the significant lesbian haircut,” the acquiring of an alternative lifestyle haircut is often seen as a rite of passage into lesbian adulthood, even if it is not maintained after the initial cut. Like a bat mitzvah, but on your head. Examples include: the mohawk, the fauxhawk, the mullet, the sidesweep, and the Tegan and Sara.

The term was coined by and has since become a common collloquialism.
1.) Jess just came out and, after going to her first Tegan and Sara concert, got an alternative lifestyle haircut similar to Tegan's.

2.) Once Leah added an alternative lifestyle haircut to her outfit composed of American Apparel and a skinny tie, she became infinitely more attractive.
by udddddd April 25, 2010
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The Scum Lifestyle Movement is the principle of action, the structure of belief and the ideology that opposes the mind-set of western civilization, its total technological & ecological enslavement by the world elite and its secret societies.
It stems from individual anarchism and guerilla warfare tactics, and is interpreted differently for each individual member. Born in the southern boondocks of Ontario,Canada sometime during the mid-1990's. Its devine path of life is spiritually & physically adapted in the seeking of broader horizons in the dawn of the apocolypse. To seek freedom through salvation and abandon all so-called civilized dominion. -to tear down society, and let the forest take back the earth.
The Scum Lifestyle Movement will be the only survivors after the apocolypse.
by racoon_skinner October 18, 2010
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When a college student parties until 4:00 am every night without break, but still makes it on time to every class.
“Wow! How did he make it to his 8 am, I could have swore I saw him drunk off his ass at the party last night.” “You did, he’s just been living the Remy Boy Lifestyle.”
by OleStuck April 20, 2022
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When your lifestyle unintentionally "one ups" everyone elses.
When you walk into your house after a long run and you see your friend sitting on your couch and your friend says, "Hey I ran 3 miles earlier, how far did you just run?" Then you say "4 miles.. One up lifestyle Bro."
by DormAds August 31, 2012
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A lifestyle of not giving a fuck about anyone but ones self. The ability to be independent and do anything and everything you want with your life. Like being emancipated and not having to worry about anything but yourself and keep yourself happy.

Usually after being in a horrible relationship for so long you go and just experience everything you were held back from!
Party, smoke, drink, and sex
Friend: You finally left that loser ass boyfriend, what are you going to do?

You: Live an Erin Dugan lifestyle<3
by JayyyMilly April 29, 2011
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A title referring to media personality, sexpert and sex educator Lola Bastinado, bestowed upon her by underground Gotham, acknowledging the great respect for her status among the adult alternative lifestyles.
The prestigious Sybarite Awards is produced by the First Lady Of Lifestyle, Lola Bastinado.
The First Lady Of Lifestyle, Lola Bastinado can be seen on Playboy TV
by ChrisJennings May 13, 2015
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PML is the true mixture of class swag and success.
At Platinum Motorsport Lifestyle, you will only notice swaggy classy and successful individuals.
by successfularmeniandefintions October 4, 2011
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