When you fire Twinkies at things using a bow-and-arrow-like device.
I hear that idiot in Arbour Butte is gonna do the twinkie launch again.
by Ryan December 10, 2003
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The guy must begin jerking himself off while the girl counts down as though commanding a NASA launch.
"T minus 10..."

If the craft blows its load prior to the girl reaching the count of zero, she says the phrase, "Houston, we have a problem." The guy must then try again before Nixon calls and mandates a launch reschedule.
Clearly you've never seen a Lunar Launch...
by RelevantRaven February 16, 2021
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A blanket statement for when a company or organization fucks up and needs to do something about the angry media. Usually results in nothing happening, because they investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong.
I know our CEO was banging 12 interns, stole millions from charity, and was arrested on three counts of murder, but don’t worry, we’ll launch an investigation.
by KingJx212 November 2, 2021
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When your male dog's penis (aka red rocket) starts to poke out of its sheath.
Justin's dog was preparing for liftoff, as the shuttle launch was commencing.
by McNiggason May 18, 2015
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When a girl is fucking a guy from on top. Both parties orgasm simultaneously. The male launches the female off of him with the last thrust. Ejaculating everywhere like the flames of the space shuttle.
"Last night I space shuttle launched Lauren up, into my ceiling fan "
"Damn is she ok?"
"No, she had to go to the hospital, and it was very hard to explain to her parents ."
by Not so Strong April 7, 2017
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When a nasty bastard takes a dump in the pool.
Hey man, did you hear about Steve? He did a Mexican Boat Launch at the community centre last night!
by RichterScl July 3, 2016
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