A game that recently came out. its campaign is decent and clearly rushed despite THREE YEARS OF FUCKING DELAYS. the multiplayer on xbl is really fun though. Its ruining my life. Its the cause of my failing grades in school. Its like it controls my life. If there was a halo rehab center i would definetly go. I rock on xbl
Teacher: the math mid-term is tomorrow, study hard because if u dont pass it u will fail and go to summer school.

Me(at home): Ill just play halo 2 for a few minutes then ill study.

16 hours later-Me: holy shit i forgot to study.

If u wanna fight me on xbox live my gamer tag is Mazz88. Ill probably win.
by ur dads hairy nipple March 10, 2005
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You need to die for sounding like a huge ass nerd. Halo 2 sucks my stump. Come, hunt me down and kill me. I can name many ways you can kill me, and if you want them, IM me on Yo Mom Saddam. I'd be glad to give them to you. PS2 is getting old, and the computer completely kills X-Box and ALWAYS will. I hardly ever play my PS2, unless it's San Andreas, which I think is so much more fun than Halo 2.
by Yo Mom Saddam January 9, 2005
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those little chunks of cheese that show up when you dont mix your macaroni good
i dont like eating the halo 2s
by Bros Call Me DP September 9, 2006
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A good game that really was kind of a repeat of the first game with new maps and !!!OMG Dool Welding Rox0rz!!! The multiplayer is kind of cool, but is really just a barebones TFC/Deathmatch thingy.
My XBox-fanboy friend: Man, I broke up with my girlfriend 'cause she called me like fifty times when I was on Live.

Me: You're stupid.
by shafticus November 28, 2004
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The best game ever where ppl online are noobs that whine alot. It also has the gayest ending but i cant wait for #3 its gonna be awesome!!!
Halo 2 kicks azz!!!fdjkslafjsd;lsjd
by anknoymus February 2, 2007
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basically what millions of people have after november 9th, 2004
sam got total halo 2 addiction after november 9th, 2004
by {BH}BLKfalc April 13, 2005
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An utter cesspoll of idiocy and retardency filled with fools wallowing in the vastness of their own stupidity.
Mouse, pyro, fakey, gem, err, ruth, solid, pie, vir, ninja, smurf, silent bob, ateam, tweek
by oh mouse of feeayar March 3, 2004
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