Somebody who pays for hookers, and then fails to have sex with them.
Justin is a bottom feeder because paid for two prostitutes but ending up masterbating.
by Justin Platt April 7, 2006
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A term used first used by uberhaxornova to describe someone who is feeding into someone's kink or providing material for a kink rather that be there own or someone else's kink
Sam took a picture of my feet and wants to post them online he's such a fucking kink feeder
by Sic.cink June 12, 2022
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To provide information to enthusiast a.k.a nerds that is irrelevant to others.
What is the reason for the specializations in Halo 4?
Oh that is just "nerd feeder".
by SUPERDUPERBAM August 3, 2013
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One who lives off of the problems/drama of their friends.
Elaine: Tell me your problems!

Bill: Man, you're such a drama feeder!
by kekeke89 October 25, 2008
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A person on the bottom of the food chain / of low intelligence. ie: Not a Hunter.

A grass feeder will typically has their eye's widely spaced apart.
Hey Dude, check out that grass feeder. You could drive a truck through that space between his eyes.

by teaBagger_au January 7, 2007
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A corporate executive, usually high up the chain of command, who makes decisions for a company based on financials alone and not based on natural fluctuations, ebbs, and flows of the market.
After the company reduced its workforce by ten percent in order to satisfy the bottom-line feeders and their need to increase revenue, customer service suffered and many patrons sought help elsewhere.
by Brian Wild January 7, 2008
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When you smother your junk in extra creamy peanut butter, sprinkle assorted bird seeds on it, and then stand outside while birds peck on your pecker. You are required to laugh at the irony of it all.
Dude, go double check those migration patterns before I do the angry bird feeder...
by Sir Curly Jefferson May 12, 2011
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