The feeling you get when you come across an old friend on Facebook and realize that their life turned out way better and is more interesting than yours.
Joe: "My wife left me for another woman and my kid should be out on parole next summer. That, and I almost got my mullet grown to the perfect length. So what have you been up to?"

Jim: "I ended up getting married to a supermodel and moving to Monaco after selling my shares in MSFT. Currently doing volunteer work to eradicate poverty. Oh, you may have also seen me in the news recently during my kid's Nobel prize nomination."

Joe: "Fucker"

Jim: "Chill out with the Facebook envy, already"
by brawler_mtl August 30, 2007
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When youre jealous of the food the person you're dining with orders, and you wish you'd ordered it instead what you actually got.
"That burger looks amazing, I'm having serious entree envy"
by Jaclyn W August 21, 2008
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desire to be perceived by other people in a way that you perceive the object of your gender envy
I feel gender envy towards kaworu from neon genesis evangelion. I want people to see me as I see him
by July 6, 2021
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Seeing clouds of all shapes and sizes and sinking into a trance-like state of happy jealousy
Those clouds near the sunset last night gave me some serious cloud envy!
by enviousofclouds July 9, 2011
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A feeling of envy regarding someone else's eyebrows.

Can be an envy of the shape or size of their brows or of the ability, for example, to raise one eyebrow.
Abbreviated to "Brenvy".
Annie saw Hannah raise an eyebrow and thought it looked cool. "Wow, I have really bad brow envy" she said to herself.
by Yazoo 33 January 7, 2010
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A mental state where one covets the chair another is sitting in.
I had a hard time enjoying the concert. I was preoccupied with a bad case of chair envy. It seemed like everyone around me had chairs that looked like they were meant for human beings. That is the last time I buy a lawn chair from Walmart
by Flingwings July 27, 2007
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An individual, or group, who hates others solely because the people they hate have more than themselves. Usually practiced by individuals who have not taken personal responsibility for their own life style and status.
President Obama has found that he can count on the support of Americans who practice in class envy by promising to make rich people pay their fair share.
by US66 January 27, 2012
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