A vehicle driven by a drug dealer that was traded for drugs. The trade could last from a couple of hours to several days or weeks depending on the amount of drugs traded.
He is always in a Cluck Load, I never know what he's goin be driving.
by jrc November 2, 2004
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despite what people from maryland think the amazing sauce was invented by some college kid at rutgers hence why the story is written on the buckets of wingers and why there are 5+ in the tiny state of jersey
the morristown cluck u sees a majority of high schoolers and college kids who stop by after parties when they are wasted and high and you are garrunteed to see someone you know or knew in highschool when stopping in at 12 am
"hey lets get a bucket of wingers from Cluck U Chicken for our tailgate"
"did you see katie and her new boyfriend in Cluck U Chicken lastnight?"
by anonomous again October 21, 2006
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When you don’t want to swear in front of your parents because they still think you are a child.
Fred: Cluck you bro heck dude that bish cut me off
Mom: Wow you didn’t swear once.
Dad: We are so proud!
Fred: Dad I’m 26.
by *ShadowKnight* February 21, 2019
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A super-secretive fanatical group dedicated to deciphering the subtle meanings of hen-talk.
The Clue Clucks Clan has been known to ceremoniously incinerate the -carcasses of deceased-merely-due-to-old-age hens, but they never sacrifices a live chicken, since they honestly believe that they need each and every one of their domesticated pheasants to listen to and supposedly obtain valuable insights/knowledge from.
by QuacksO April 24, 2018
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A group of racist roosters who goes around and harasses other farm animals.
The Coocoo Clucks Clan is on the rise in American farms.
by Type2GenomeManiac March 15, 2019
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To rant incoherantly while under the influence of a stimulant narcotic, such as amphetamines.
On Day Seven of the meth ride, Chester was clucking like a chicken.
by Uncle Beasley April 3, 2006
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chicken joint famous for the hottest wings in the world
Fuck U, Cluck U Chicken... that shit burnt a hole in my stomach!
by Nick D February 11, 2003
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