“That’s my BB” said Rob
“You’re so gay” said Susie
by Seth is MM March 5, 2020
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Bureaucratic Bull Shit.
Congress and a toliet in the White House have one thing in common: BBS.
by thefellow3j October 16, 2014
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Jane Doe: Omg, I just ate the most spicy food ever...
John Doe: Shit! Really? Did you let it out?
Jane Doe: Yea and I had BBS for a week!!!
John Doe: Yum
by Wooooo Child! February 22, 2011
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Acronym- Before breasts. Used to describe a female who one has known before puberty.
"Dude did you see Amanda in that beach photo? Total hotty."
"I know man, I knew that bitch BB"
by ten_animals_I_slam_in_a_net December 29, 2012
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