The best circuit in HISTORY (altough it caused a lot of fatal accidentes its still the best)
Random: wanna see F1?
Me: Sure, what GP is it?
Random: The belgium GP.
Me: *left all the activites i have to do to watch the belgium GP (aka Circuit De Spa-Francorchamps)*
by NCN_Off July 11, 2023
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top secret menu 😉only the most knowledgeable and in crowd women know
“ don’t forget to order some spa food after the sauna
by TannerShryan August 27, 2023
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Slang for someone who is an idiot or generally oblivious to most common sense things
“You see that jack fella? He’s a right spa
by Slang245 May 14, 2022
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Shortened version of "spastic", often uttered in the south-west of Ireland.

Used to describe an annoying/ stupid individual.
"That fella never shuts up."
"Ya, he's a fair spa."

"Your man broke his ankle doin' the bollox. He's some spa."

"I'm not buying cans for you, goway you fuckin' spa.
by The Ghost of Eamon de Valera October 9, 2021
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The sexiest creature on earth! Dude is absolutely ripped and has the biggest dick in Mladost. He is fearless, determined, kind, loyal and is totally the funniest person in the group. You should be very lucky to be in the company of a Spas. A true chad.
Max:Bro...Spas is downright the coolest guy i know!
Kaloyan:Yeah man, he is so handsome and funnyy
Max: I am so jealous of him
Kaloyan: Same, amigo, same...
by Spasfan20100 November 22, 2021
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SPAS stands for Social Persona Anti Symptom. This feeling you have when you get to know someone online through their profile on social media, you follow them and at first you may like them or find an interest in them, yet slowly you develop SPAS against them, they are a turn of in the way they present themselves, how they expose themselves online- SPAS is a feeling of rejection, judgmental and it feels like you know you don't like them even though you have never truly met. Now when you have SPAS against someone you are not remotely interested in hanging out with them offline. The big question is can we overcome SPAS and potentially meet someone awesome even though online we think they suck!?
This Insta profile makes me feel SPAS

I Feel SPAS against him
Im having a SPAS moment
He/She has a SPAS profile
by Dara and Sari July 23, 2019
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People named Spas have big PP’s
by November 21, 2021
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