Probably the most used sentence in hvh scene. It stands for invite me to (Previously called

Most nn's say this sentence all the time cause they think they will actually get invited to gamesense.
NN with otcv3: Invite me to skeet
Skeeter: hdf nn.
NN with otcv3: Dies of corona virus after 0.000405 Miliseconds
by NotEsoterik June 4, 2022
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An invitation made at the last minute, to a far place, knowing no one can make it.
“Did Phil invite you over to watch the game?”
“Yes, I received a Milk Invitation 20 minutes before it started
by Mentallyswipingleft August 25, 2019
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When your buddy needs his own personal invitation. Even tho the event, party or raid team is an open invitation.
Are u gonna join or do u need that co co invite?
by Mybigavocado January 25, 2021
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Used when someone dear to you doesn't invite you to something you could also enjoy.
Good invite Chris you cuck!
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When you find out about a party that you felt you should have been invited to but never heard about it until later... You were cummings invited..
" Yo, "Tim's" bachelor party was the greatest ever! Why didn't you come?"

"I guess I got the cummings invited... Fucking asreholes...."
by old_beaver October 2, 2014
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When you don’t get invited to the party by your bestie
Were you invited? No I got a woody invite
by The Chainsaw chronicles December 22, 2022
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When someone really don't want you to go with them but they offer anyways knowing you absolutely cannot go ,that's an empty invitation and it makes them feel good cuz at least they offered.
My boyfriend's such a jerk he's always offered me empty invitations so he thinks that makes him a good guy.
by Darthfraai November 4, 2023
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