Mina is a smart and funny kinda person that everyone likes. She is very sweet but knows exactly what she wants.

Minas tend to have a huge heart but even bigger booty.

Her smile lights up the world but her mind is dirty af.

If you get lucky enough to get her, you should never let her go.
“Do you see that hot chick over there?”

Oh yea, that must be a Mina.”
by Lee Marly November 21, 2021
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this girl is OBSESSED with taylor swift. she doesn't want to be smart but she is and she can't escape it. she wants a bf but she won't make moves. someone will discover her and she'll be brought out of her shell. speaking of shell, she comes out of it with close friends and goes cRAZY. she says the most off the rails shit that will get her expelled from school and you don't even know what to do. she's in orchestra and she's good but she hates it, and she hates her teachers, but she loves her friends, especially the friend that she works with.
Boy: mina is soo sexy, i wanna smash
Mina: *leaves on read*
by urmomlikesfrogs.com October 1, 2023
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Mina should stay with the fat guy with curls. He is the right one
Gewoon doen mina
by Charafeddinek19 November 21, 2021
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Minas is a very shy kind of guy. She'll clearly choose

who she want's in her life and the ones she doesn't care

about then acts upon it. She isn't easily influenced by

others can be rude when around friends. She is

also immature at times but means no harm. But when

you have her to yourself, she is an amazing guy and her

true colors will shine!

Her personality is very unique, and if you mean a lot to

her, she'll let you know. She acts tough but hes actually

got such a soft heart. She's got a great sense of humor,

and isn't afraid to show it off! She acts horny at times

but has a soft side. But she doesn't let many people

know it, only the ones she can really trust. She's a very

good flirt, but when in a relationship she sticks to that

boy and only his love his till death. She lets him know how special he is

in many ways, and shows him how much he adores

him. She is very naughty but takes care alot of him. Sometimes she'll have his bad days where she takes

it out on you, but if she believes your worth it, she will

always come back to you after a fight! Having her in

your life is one of the best things you could have.

His smile can brighten your world straight away,

and just being with her will bring you so many

memories and laughs. You may not realise it yet, but

losing her would be a huge loss, don't ever let Minas lose you

ao Ha iauld laaua cuch a huaa imnact and a hola in
by @mr_sakib____08 writer November 25, 2021
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a person who loves diet coke and her hot water bottle, you will always see mina with pjs and a good book. sometimes you may catch her in court, but she is not a lawyer.

you want to get her a gift? get her flowers and a jellycat

gracie abrams 4 life, however dont get me started on JLS or the VAMPS.
"Gracie Abrams' biggest fan"
"Oh yeah, that's Mina"
by Ren-Dog October 22, 2023
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Minas is a name of a handsome and smart boy who is very inteligent. He is a boy who people like. He can be annoying to some girls, but he is very kind and funny. Minas is a very rare name and is often used for boys.

Minas is strong and very confident. He can be bad when he's around others, but often he is very kind. Minas can also be a snitch ( a person who tells secrets ). But he keeps he's mouth shut if he trusts them. People very often look up to Minas and wants tl be just like him. People can very often think that he is weird or cool. Minas is a boy who got he's bad and sweet sides. People often think that he is tall and has sweet hair. He can get angry very fast. Minas is a boy you need to watch over. He can get angry or he can be a snitch, but if he trusts you, then you're safe.
Minas is sweet and kind, but he can be angry and bad. He is very often kind to others and very inteligent.
by Top10facts December 21, 2018
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Creator of existence aka god aka slayerpimpboss_3067
Person 1: im praying to Minas everyday
Person 2: Minas have mercy on my soul
by Papi_loco_x4000 November 21, 2021
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