A light hangover. Very similar to a hangover except you are not hanging, just leaning.
Keifer: "Dude, I feel a little hungover, I only had three beers."
Neal: "You're having a lean over, man. You're only halfway there, you might as well have gotten completely smashed."
by keifermail July 13, 2009
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Driving with one hand on the wheel while slouched over to the right.
He's got the Detroit lean goin' on in the Deuce and a Quarter.
by T Riggs January 26, 2006
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A flirtation device commonly used by young men when courting a young lass. Usually employed in the beginning of the flirtation process. To pull off the flirty lean, all one needs to do is lean on any available inanimate object while spitting game at the lass in question. The lean can occur in a plethora of situations and on many different objects. A wall, counter, school locker, chair, and many more are acceptable lean supporters. The objective of the flirty lean is to exude three things: I'm cool. Comfortable. Confident. (Can also be called the 3 C's)
"So none of my moves were working on that girl last night." -Mike
"Well did you try the flirty lean? That's always been a panty dropper for me." -Paul
"Oh snap! I can't believe I forgot about the flirty lean. It's a classic." -Mike
by thetruejwalk July 9, 2010
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Taking a cigar of your choice, Philly, White Owl, Swisher etc. Gutting said cigar then coating one or both sides with promethazine with codeine (Prescription cough syrup) and rolling as you would a normal blunt.
Brandon: Man I'm faded as a bitch.

Concerned Friend: Whys that Brandon?

Brandon: I just took a Lean Blunt to the face.
by kidwiththegoldenarms March 27, 2013
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A dance for fat guys, but fat guys can only go as far as turn sideways, as Fat Joe demonstrates in his video.
Fat Joe claims to be leaning back, but it looks like he's only turning sideways.
by XFS January 1, 2005
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Koolaid and Jolly Rancher from the kitchen of the single mother you're dating and tryin' to get at, with some Promethazine Codeine you brought with you in your back pocket.
Damn man... I sat here and watched two hours of Madagascar 3 with this chicks kid, and all I got was a koolaid stain and some Lewisville Lean!!!
by That Boo from da Beach October 21, 2012
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1) The way in which a 'gangster' sits in the driving seat of his 'ride'. ie, leaning towards the passenger seat, with one arm resting on the glove/tape box in the middle, the other hand on top of the wheel and head ducked low under the rearview.

2) A type of walk or bowl employed by a 'gangster' that makes it look like said gangster has a slight limp from prehaps having a 'cap' 'popped' in their leg.
Thus leaning to the opposite side and taking the weight of the injured leg produces a gangster lean. An injured leg however is by no means a prerequisite for having a gangster lean, many addopt the style in an effor to look 'hard' or 'cool'
Lyrics from: William DeVaughn - Be Thankful for What You Got
"Diamond in the back, sunroof top
Diggin the scene
With a gangster lean, wooh-ooh-ooh"
by e_mpika May 17, 2006
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