A level of intoxication where "Mum comes downstairs and yells at me for gettin' kicked in the ribs by niggers." ** Generally followed by severe bed-wetting, profuse vomiting, and an intense craving for McDonalds.

**Quote from personal expert on the subject.
1. "I'm gonna get rib kickin' drunk tonight."
2. "I heard Keith likes to get rib kickin' drunk on Tuesdays"
3. "Fuck getting shitfaced, I'm getting Rib Kickin' Drunk tonight."
4." Sweith Keezey
by DarkHelmetTheSchwartz March 6, 2011
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When you take raw chicken skin and put hot sauce on it and masturbate with it around your penis.
I didnt get any last night so I decided I would please myself with some Alabama Kickin Chicken.
by Smitty Brothers March 1, 2020
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What the cool kids say in Idaho; referring to the gay/hipster croud. They dont want to sound like everyone else so they are "kickin it tough" . Because they are better than everyone else. Not even being Sarcastic.
"Not much just Kickin it Tough, you"?
by illin4e February 26, 2011
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Another fun filled way of expressing your current state of being. Usually, one who is on some kind of psychoactive chemical or a cocktail of mind altering substances. This term is used to express the lack of doing anything of importance when asked if you are busy or unavailable. This term originated in norther california and unfortunately has graced the ears of very few. i.e see "rocking out with my cock out" and "hanging out with my wang out". Society was in desperate need of a better way to express ones current state without resorting to overused, cliched terms from far too many movies.

This term was originally coined by a young man named Andrew Hopson. Growing increasingly fed up with hearing commonly overused saying some jack off hear on a movie, Andrew Hopson decided it was time for the world to have something better, funnier, and unique. Only the few who have been exposed to this wonderous play on words, dare try using it in everyday communication. Watch it pop up in a movie now and than it's no good. So is, the way of the world.
"Hey bro, what are u up to man?"
"Not a damn thing man, just "Kickin' it with my Dick in it!"
"Alright, well is it cool if I roll through?"
"yeah man, like I said, just chillin here at my spot"
"Alright bro, u got a 40 u can get rid of?"
"I'll have it ready when u get here brah"
"no worries brother"
"alright bud see u soon"
by TheBlindHouse88 November 28, 2011
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A lame phrase that only someone as lame as Junior would use.

Who the hell uses the phrase "kickin' rad" anyway? Lame!!!
by sweetbabyjesus May 26, 2006
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A phrase used by D-Generation X's member "Road Dogg" during the hay-day of the group's popularity in the late 90's.
"And we're gonna be kickin' It doggy style!"

Man, it brings back memories.
by jvg_1995_incorporated March 25, 2019
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