inability to spell a single word right.
Me: hey whats up dude?
Friend: wuzzup d@wg
Me: what do u think of me
Friend: liek omg joo r teh kewl d00d0rz
Me: ...thx
by hymtj March 15, 2010
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1337 speak. Means Like oh my god you are a cool dude.
joo have g-mail liek omg joo r teh kewl d00d0rz
by c January 24, 2005
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Chain Joo is a girl that is small for her age but she can be fierce and aggressive. She cares for her friends deeply, not everyone understands her so she is underestimated at many times. She has many good friends like Omelate, Di, Mushroom,Joen,Lx(nicknames of chain joo
" Hey! Have you seen the new girl? Her name is Chain Joo! She is new yet popular!OMG u need to talk to her!"

" OMG i have talked to her! i guess she is like one of the nicest ppl in the sch!"
by Chian Joo July 7, 2018
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1.A way to say that something is deep as fuck.
2.Something you say when you're poking a fat guys stomach.
Gerald: And that's how I lost my mother.
Clarence: Oh, dalam joo.
by ThiccAssNigger October 7, 2018
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some country out there says this i bet
probably means sex
Person 1: Looks like they did some hooby jooby jobby jabby jibby joey joo in the back room.

Person 2: wtf did you just say was that supposed to mean sex or a ritual sacrifice
by Mario51309 April 5, 2022
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Joos is such a weird guy. He is a feet guy and likes it when you Touch his feet or begin sucking his toes. He always maked a lewd face when he sees feet and also likes to lick between the toes, but he has a big dick.
A: did you see how Joos looked on my feet, while licking his lips?

B: Yes but he has a big dick!
by Jigdy November 22, 2021
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