Meaning: Something is really crazy, crazy behaviour.
Phrase created by one and only T.L. and she is the rightfull maker of the word.
Man, that training session was CRAY CRAY
by J0k3r fr0m W1sH June 6, 2022
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Someone whom you love or hate ; based upon how cray-cray they really are. People who are cray-cray 91% of the time are also aware of their behavior.
I swear...I mean it when I tell you ; "you are cray-cray!"
by Crystalmfingsettle October 10, 2019
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An informal abbreviation of the phrase 'crayfish crayfish'. Used to describe someone or something as crazy.
by SirVorpal December 26, 2019
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Before someone was crazy
"Do you prefer Brittany Spears when she was pre cray or cray cray?"
by meep1234567 May 25, 2015
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The chick who always wears way too much make up with way too many colors. Looking like she bought crayola markers for make up
I guess jenny will take the crown from lisa for queen cray this year.
by inkked_beauty July 11, 2016
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getting extremely intoxicated by drinking obscene amounts of alcohol and: chugging/funneling any beverage in sight, dancing with anyone in the vicinity, blacking out, demanding drugs, falling asleep outside frat houses, screaming along to any song relatively familiar, hooking up with men of color, being 'that girl', and generally being obnoxious, loud, and giggly.
After finals week, I just want to get DK Cray.

Did you see that girl funnel that Loko?, so DK Cray.
by theRatchetMu May 8, 2013
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