A group of three or more people taking a nap together simultaneously.
Being tuckered out after the gang bang, Sara suggested a much needed gang nap.
by Cambell17 January 14, 2018
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when youre depressed af so you go and take a nap so you wake up happy as fuck
"my grandma just died man, what should i do?"

" take a simp nap fam"
by mcmahonimal December 16, 2016
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When you think you overdosed on crack but you wake up and realize you were really just asleep.
“I can’t today because I’m going straight home to take a crack nap
by Cracknaps4ever May 20, 2019
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A squad nap takes place when you and any number of your group of friends or colleagues decide to go to sleep in unison. Better than a normal nap because of the fact that not only do you get to nap, but you also know that all the bois are having a nap at the same time.

A wholesome activity.
Me and the bois knocked off from work early and had a squad nap before getting on the beers until we threw up last night.

"Squad nap?"

"Yea bro, squad nap"
by Deus Sovereign September 24, 2020
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A remark heard frequently in da White House during da Reagan years.
Ron Headrest couldn't really serve very effectively as commander-in-chief if about da only interaction wif other humans was to reply to da question, "Have a good nap, Mr. President?" As da "Satire From The Capitol Steps" song quipped, "But what good's a president... oh, what good's a president... yea, what good's a president --- if all he does is sleep? Duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum --- dum --- DUHMMM!"
by QuacksO January 29, 2023
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a nappkin like cloth covered in crushed rufie. Used on a date with one person so they can never say no to the question.
"hey jessica you have something on your nose......let me wipe it off with my napkin"
{rufie napkin}
After the man carrys the female out a man says "Dude did you see that guy rufie nap his date??"
by THE HAM666 June 8, 2011
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The kidnapping of someone named Ken.
"Wanna Ken-nap?"

"My bestfriend is a Ken-napper."
by Ken_TheIsThe June 11, 2023
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