IGN cube's fanboy-favorite editor Fran Mirabella III unleashed an unwanted horse-head into the beds of many Gamecube owners. This happened when he scored Nintendo's "killer-ap" for the 2003 holiday line up - Mario Kart:Double Dash - the long awaited sequel to Mario Kart 64... with a dissapointing and medicore score of 7.9. This action outrages the fourm members of IGN and it became the gamecube's version of "pwned"
Action: I give X a 7.9
Reaction: YOU ARE TEH SUCK!!!!
by Jord April 14, 2004
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4 in the pink...2 in the stink. A shocker times two.

Originated, injected, and perfected by Dallas, Texas band Six Point Hollow.
Pamela Anderson: Can't wait til Ray gives me a Six Point Shocker backstage...

Angelina Jolie: Brad ain't got nothin' on G's nutz and his six point shocker.

Gisele Bundchen: First Mike gave me a honey burst spankin', then I got a six point shocker!! Six Point Holla bitchez!!

Adriana Lima: How 'bout giving me a stix point shocker, Wes?!?
by Beezulbub November 22, 2006
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To find something to do that doesn't make you kill yourself, so that you can find someone to spend the time with to make a little enjoyable.
Nothing. I don't know how to use what is the point of life in a example because there really isn't one...
by that one girl 34567898765432 December 1, 2016
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1) Point Blank. Short form: RP. It is a gang in Toronto, based and created from the first largest housing projects in all of T.dot. Regent Park (Jungle City) one click not to fuck wit. (can be spoted by there colore's: Dark Blue, Grey and Black.)

2) Dope as FUCK! rap group. With such rappers as: Kidd, Trouble ect. Free Flaker.
1) "Regent Park where you at? What? Jungle City? oh ye ye, PB where you at? What? damn skippy you be runnin over tho's AA and CP bitches! ye South Side Park Land, Point Blank in ya Face ya HEARD!!

2) "These criminal's carry Glocks, These criminal's are driving Irok's with numbers on top, These criminal's are wearin bullet proff vests, These criminal's have Police marked on there Chest" -Point Blank (these Criminals)
by [Point]Classified[Blank] August 29, 2005
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This place is a true bubble. Everyone CHOOSES to look alike, dress alike, and act alike. If you are not a girl sporting aviators, plaid shirts, straight hair and Jack Rodgers, this school is not for you. The people who do not look like a fabricated mess do NOT fit in. It is one of the least diverse universities ever. Politics, religion, race, all the same. If you are not a conservative, stay away at all costs. People love to brag about their money because it makes them feel more comfortable with themselves. If you ACTUALLY have a lot of money, people flock to you are try to become your friend. Worst of all, 90% of the students do not realize they are at this school for a degree. They think they are there to get drunk and spread STDs 7 days a week. You will get tired of this school quickly, just quickly as you'll get tired of having meaningless sex. When you leave the campus and drive at least 2 hours away in any direction, you will feel like you were missing out on the real world. People will have sex with anyone as long as they have two legs and two arms. STDs spread like wildfire here, and no one tells their sexual partners that they will be infected. Good luck finding a lover at this school, chances are they already had sex with the rest of the student body. Gross. Parties SUCK, but very exciting to these students who were losers pre- college. They gather in dark rooms and then flash corny lights with corny students who think they are DJs.
High Point University is a trap. Everyone looks the same, spreads STDs, attends the worst college parties in the USA, and does not give a crap about their education.
by bigbootytooty February 28, 2016
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A demand for, but not limited to, the immediate delivery of purchased microsoft points.
Lt Colonel Bob screams GIMME MY POINTS when xbox live would not deliver his points to him, even though he bought them with his money.
by Lt Colonel Bob January 16, 2009
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