Weymouth kids are the toughest kids in the south shore. Kids from surrounding towns always talk shit about them but would get the shit beat outta them if they went face to face with one of them. The only kids in the south shore that know how to work and not have everything given to them.
Hingham kids always get beat up by Weymouth Kids at the Hingham Shipayrd.
by Weymouth Dude May 12, 2017
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When a guy is on his back, a girl is blowing him, she then moves down to lick his balls, he raises his hips up and farts in her mouth.
Dude Nicole was goin down on me the other night, and I totally gave her a Kid Larson! Set it up!!!!!!!
by Phil McMurphy February 2, 2006
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a white raprocker from the Detroit area who thinks women should be on their knees giving head to "macho" studmuffins like himself. His songs are obscenity - ridden pornographic sexist trash. He thinks that because he supports George W. Bush, wears a flag, cusses like a stevedore, supports the Iraq war, "supports the troops", smokes cigars, covers cock rock "classics" and likes Bob Seger that he's an "American Badass". He also calls himself the BullGod. He scored a big hit with Sheryl Crow that was Number One for God knows how many weeks where he whines about "since you been gone I'm in the hotel room with cocaine and whiskey". Well boo fucking hoo, Kid Rock, I really feel sorry for you. Wah! He had a hit album called "Cocky". Well, Mick Jagger is cocky, but he is cool. He and the other Stones are a talented thrill. The title says says it all about Kid Rock. He is an American Asshole. Another example: a Kid Rock song titled "You'll Never See Another Motherfucker Like Me". He's the one who said it. The stacked Pamela Anderson is married to this cretin. He's an arrogant, stupid all-around shithead.
Kid Rock is a prime example of what's wrong with popular music today. Just a bunch of vulgar no talent, image-conscous, arrogant trash, with egos bigger than planet Jupiter. Rotten crap.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 15, 2006
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A Kandy Kid is someone who wears Kandy and listens to Techno and goes to Raves they dress all cute and such like they were five and give out plenty of hugs for no reason.
Are you a Kandy Kid?
Hey I'am a Kandy Kid!!!!
by Smythe February 28, 2003
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1. A term referring to the character from the Catcher in the Rye. It refers to a pathetic, piece of shit jobber ass roommate. Someone who is a complete waste of space and always seems to have a big oozy zit bustin' off of their face.

2. Asshat loser
Pick up your fuckin' empty pizza box Ackley Kid, and pop that juicy ass whitehead you got gorging out of your 20x15 forehead, ya pathetic piece of dick.
by Jobber the Hut November 13, 2009
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a kid who:
- has buck teeth
- Is a jerk
- has a puff ball hat
- Is a jerk
- has wings
- Is a jerk
- short
- Is a jerk
- emo hair
- Is a jerk
- one really big eye (the other is covered by his emo hair)
- Is a jerk
- sometimes carries a wand
- Is a jerk
- sometimes has a crown
- Is a jerk
- carries a "pixy powder" bag
- Is a jerk
- and most importantly he's a jerk D<
Pixy kid is a jerk, Bastard and a Dick ^.^
by Pixy Kids master ^.^ December 2, 2006
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1. A derogatory term for kids who receive support from the Muscular Dystrophy Association. They are called this due to the MDA having a sixty-year partnership with Jerry Lee Lewis
2. A hardcore punk band from Boston who released two albums and still tours today.
1. Noah is one of Jerry's kids.
2. Jerry's Kids kick serious ass! You should really listen to their debut album "Is This My World?"
by hcpunkfan703 July 17, 2018
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