When someone (commonly a father figure) walks into a room with a show on the tv and slowly sits down on the couch as they are glued to the screen
Them: Have you watched Stranger Things yet?
You: No I walked in on my parents watching Breaking Bad and god Dad Hooked
by Cartini July 6, 2022
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When a female is going in for her OBG/YN appointment and the doctor unexpectedly sticks a finger in her butthole for the rectal exam
Oh my god my doctor totally gave me a medical fish hook me and didn’t even buy me dinner
by SWMyers January 10, 2021
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A bootleg or scrappy method to achieve your results. A creative, unorthodox workaround to achieving a goal.
We didn't have any official analytic software so we had to hook boogie a way to see metrics using multiple tools and freeware.
by eyemediadiva March 17, 2016
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When you’re magnetically gathering an audience and cannot stop growing fandom
by Datkid March 24, 2020
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When a girl puts a finger inside of herself and proceeds to shove said finger into another person's ear. (Like a wet Willy, but not with spit)
Yeah man, she caught me off guard as hell and gave me a slippery hook. My ear smelled like the ocean for a week.
by Arniebarnie28382 February 2, 2017
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In contrast to spit-roasting in which two males take a single female in the mouth and box simultaneously, butcher-hooking is when a single male takes multiple females on multiple poles simultaneously: cock, tongue and even fingers….a hole on each pole, bod on each rod, or, more viscerally, piece of meat on each hook.
Rob: Those three hot milfs from the club last night were still all over me in the bed this morning.
Jack: Bru! I guess you were a butcher-hooking muthafucka.
by xurdy999 July 28, 2020
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