there are many different types of players in mine craft there is the red-stone master there is the miner there is the builder and there is the hunter/warrior there is also the farmer i am the farmer
the goal in minecraft is to defeat the ender dragon and you can do many different things so i think you should download minecraft
by feesh power November 15, 2021
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Person 1: Whats Minecraft?
Person 2: A gateway to everything.
by CharedWood March 8, 2023
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When you buy Minecraft, you're buying pure happiness.
boi 1: omg i bought minecraft and its fucking awesome
boi 2: its a game
boi 1: an AMAZING game!
by a man that offers free oxygen October 12, 2021
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a boring ass game that for some reason virgin Redditors and 12-year-olds like to worship because god forbid you don't like Minecraft or play Fortnite. This game used to be so damn good before it was overcomplicated by Mojang and was being cult-like worshipped by Redditors.
Person 1: Hey, you wanna play minecraft?

Me: no, that game is boring
by Cheese Wonton May 27, 2022
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A very good game about a guy named Steve who decided to build a house out of the dirt he just beat up from the ground. Later on, Steve decides to throw an eye of an Enderman and he finds a cool portal underground.
He then goes in and finds the Ender Dragon who is big and fat and dies to his powerful diamond armour which in real life is too fragile and would most likely break. He then spends 10 minutes on Youtube trying to learn how to collect the dragon's egg. He then goes home to his dirt shack and for the rest of the time he spends in this world he gets a lot of crap from hell including Netherite and Wither skulls, and then accidentally dies to a creeper, and never returns.
Fortnite nerds: Minecraft is dead
Minecraft nerds: No
Google Trends: No
Youtube: No
Reddit: No
Twitch: No
Dream: *speedrunning intensifies*
by dacooldictionaryguy March 1, 2021
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The one thing a virgin can't say no too.
-Joe the dinner is getting cold , and your brother and i have been waiting for 10 minutes for you to come down.
-Your grounded . And your dad does'nt love you anyway.
by MongoPsykos December 3, 2018
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