Similar to pull out, piss out is a phrase used to describe the act of performing a Sloppy rocket , where Immediately after ejaculating into his partner, the man begins to urinate. The pressure builds inside his partner resulting in his erect penis "launching" out of his partner. This protective measure against sexually transmitted diseases has been lab tested many times in Thailand with 100% effectiveness.
Sexual Partner: "Can you make sure you pull out, I 'm not on birth control"
You(male): "I never pull out, I piss out"
Sexual Partner: "What is that? I've never heard of that"
You(male): "It's 100% effective birth control and S.T.D protection. Grab some extra towels, I'll show you"
by Subliminll February 22, 2017
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When you piss on the side of the bowl of the toilet instead of the water to make less noise at night.
Mom: Johnny, if you're staying up late tonight be sure to mute your piss so you don't wake me up.

Another example:
Friend 1: Hey I have to piss. What if I wake your parents?
Friend 2: Dude just use Piss Muting.
Friend 1: Great idea why didn't I think of that?
by the way... July 8, 2013
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An insolent or insignificant person; a peon; a nobody.

Little person with big attitude
A punk kid with a finance degree straight out of college interviewing a CPA MBA for a controller job.

Eddie is such a little piss ant, look at him thinking he is the shit and interviewing people older than him with more credentials and experience.
by Fast Gardy April 17, 2009
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A portmanteau of 'pissing contest' and 'pity party', a pissing party is where two or more parties engage in a warm-hearted discussion of mutual congratulations, compliments and other verbal high-fives.
John: "Dude, we are so the coolest people on the planet."
Dawn: "Dude, we are SO throwing ourselves a pissing party right now."
by Xynobia October 28, 2008
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Mud created by mixing dirt and piss. Mainly formed by many people peeing outdoors in the same spot.
Hey Vance if you pee behind that tree look out for piss mud.
by Justin S February 7, 2005
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To be financially well to do, or generally fortunate.

term from the early 1900's where public places would have troughs to piss in and the piss would just run out, no runnning water or anything. The high price places would put ice in the trough so you piss would melt the ice and drain, producing less smell. therfore if you were rich you were "pissing on ice".
Steve: I just won $500 in a poker game

Paul: you a lucky son of a bitch.

Steve: yea i'm pissing on ice today man.
by big hackzilla October 19, 2009
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