An Italian Soda is a flavored carbonated drink, typically made with a flavouring syrup component and an unflavored carbonated component.
Bob: can I please get an Italian soda
Barista: coming right up!
by #elk loves moose September 19, 2019
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When someone is making a pizza and they twirl the dough in the air.
Bro 1: Hey, that chef is doing that thing where he spins the pizza dough in the air!

Bro 2: You mean the Italian Tornado?
by Mr. Dr. Prof. K Jr. Sr. III August 6, 2021
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When you use your middle finger, index finger and your thumb held like the Italian pinch to finger someone.
You only have 3 fingers how do you finger a girl?

It’s always an Italian job.
by Top G Gggggg July 19, 2021
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When you get a handjob with olive oil used as lube.
My partner didn't have any lube at their place so they got some olive oil from the kitchen and gave me an Italian job.
by Nannerpus_Returns November 16, 2022
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To recieve road head from a catholic girl, whilst driving a stolen Fiat brand of vehicle.
Bro... that girl Christine gave me one wicked italian job on my way to the chop shop last week.
by SouthernDrawl April 19, 2020
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To take a shower between sexual encounters with two different partners in the same day that do not know about each other. No soap is used during an Italian Scrub, so as not to alert the second partner.
After banging that stank-ass Rachel, Benjamin had an Italian Scrub and went over to Whitney's with a ticket to Poundtown.
by brasstroubadour April 2, 2015
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To take a shower between sexual encounters with two different partners in the same day that do not know about each other. No soap is used during an Italian Scrub, so as not to alert the second partner.
After banging that stank-ass Rachel, Benjamin had an Italian Scrub and went over to Whitney's with a ticket to Poundtown.
by brasstroubadour April 2, 2015
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