Girl 1: You okay?
Girl 2: No!

Girl 1: What happened?
Girl 2: I fell flat on my cunt!
Girl 1: OHHH!! Virgin belly flop!!! OUCH!!
by grandpooba May 26, 2011
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The act of warming your belly and cooling your laptop at the same time by lifting up your shirt so it doesn't overheat and your belly stays toasty.
Last night I had a dell belly going on and it was nice.
by Haharyne March 8, 2010
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When you have a overwhelming usually from spivey take out or other forms of exotic foods
That spicey Indian takeaway gave me (wuka belly)
by De Black Zeus March 22, 2017
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where two people in completely seperate countries are thinking about exactly the same thing, or are thinking on the same lines but incompletely different places
two people are chatting on MSN, and they both think of the same thing at teh same time.

Mr Harlow, the white knight, gotta love broken feet! says:
some of the notes are just abit too high!

oo strugglin wit the high notes

Mr Harlow, the white knight, gotta love broken feet! says:
belly logic!
by Mr Man1 March 30, 2008
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The 200 something pound Guy who makes a mark for only doing BELLY FLOPS OF THE "DIVING BOARD" and piwers through the Red marks he gets and does it more than twice. He also gets praised for doing the Belly FLOPS and lowering through the Big RED MARKS he gets.
Did you see Belly Flop Man he is being so awesome, he's doing BELLY FLOPS for our amusement I love him. I wish I had the coujrage and confidence he has.
by THE.GOD.OF.RANDOMNESS December 5, 2018
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Another Word For An Illegal Immigrant
A Fat Mexican Who Cannot Hop The Fence To America
Therefore Must Crawl Under The Fence To Get To His/Her Destination
Mex 1: Common Essa Hop Over Before The La Migara Show Up!
Mex 2: Holmes I'm To Fat For This Stuff!
Mex 1: I Got An Idea! Go Under The Fence!!
Mex 2: Good Idea Holmes !!
Mex 1: Runn!!

Mex 2: Yeah Man!! I Wonder If We Could Make A Word Out Of That??
Mex 1: Grass Belly!!
by Timmy Tumm November 8, 2011
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