Loading Zone is the time period in which streaming entertainment is paused while buffering or loading video.
I'm parked in a loading zone waiting for the damn video to continue playing.
by Urbanverban July 12, 2021
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To ejaculate in a vagina or over a face .
I hope her bf isn't home I need to chuck a load!
by Baked dinner March 25, 2022
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Also known as 'Heimbindering'. Means to make something up from whole cloth.
He gave me all the answers but they were wrong. Turns out he was loading-a-boat.
by jgspro February 21, 2014
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When you don’t whack off for a week or plow out your old lady and drop a batch on some strumpets glasses you plowed out in the bathroom of the local dive pub.
Dam I just left a cottage cheese load on some gal in the bathroom all she needed was some sliced peaches with that cottage cheese load
by Salchi Poppa February 19, 2022
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Vehicular film from the summer of 2005, which starred Lindsay Lohan, Michael Keaton and Matt Dillon, whom played the very manipulating, self obsessed arsehole Trip Murphy to Maggie Peyton, whom was the character played by Lohan, whom eventually got her way at the end with her Volkswagen Beetle, also known as Herbie!
Dude, you seen that movie Herbie: Fully Loaded?
Hell yeah, it was one that I always watched in my childhood!
by Emmy Emmett December 21, 2020
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(sm-yes) n. an overly decorated or exaggerated person, place, or thing;
v. to greatly overdo something; most frequently used to refer to one's appearance
Dude...either take off the necklace, the bracelet, the earrings, the chain wallet, the watch, the belt buckle, the sunglasses, or the hat, because you are totally smyess loading it.
by Tsnake250 December 6, 2007
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