This term is advice for someone who appears to have left the house without looking in a mirror.

Their appearance is so disheveled, it is assumed that they used the warped reflection of a toaster to check their look. (makeup, clothing, etc.)

It traces back to a time when banks gave away free toasters to new clients, and refers to a faulty toaster being the cause
Friend: "Holy crap! Do you see what that train wreck is wearing?"
Dano: "Yeah. It's like she used her toaster as a mirror. She needs to 'switch banks'."
by DanoNYC February 3, 2010
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when a person suddenly changes their behavior towards you for the worst.
Aw man, I used to fuck with her heavy but she switched up.
by lightbrownsugar May 13, 2016
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Colloquialism for the selector lever on a select-fire firearm or safety on an automatic weapon, which engages the mechanical safety, semi-automatic fire, or automatic fire/3 round burst. Switching to automatic fire and putting streams of lead downrange is well known to elicit giggles of joy from anyone who grew up playing video games or watching GI Joe/The A-Team.
1) Private Joe Snuffy flipped the giggle switch on his M-249 for the first time, and laughed maniacally as he engaged the pop-up targets on his qualification range.

2) Rangemaster: "Flip that giggle switch and give 'er a whirl

Trainee: "heh heh heh . . ." *BRRRRRRRRAP!*
by DoomsdayJesus October 3, 2013
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US gun terminology. Switching your gun from semi-automatic (one bullet per trigger pull) to automatic (keeps firing until you let go or you run out of ammunition). Typically refers to the function in the increasingly rare pre-1986 Assault Weapons Ban automatics though older guns (i.e. pre-1960s import ban) guns. Because of the very unlikely chance of someone buying an older gun for anything beyond having fun with it, the automatic mode of fire is instead used for pure entertainment value, as an excellent way to expend incredibly large (and expensive) amounts of ammunition in a very short period of time.
Dan: How'd you end up going though 300 rounds in an hour?
Tom: I hit the fun switch on my Tommy gun.
by RedShocktrooper September 17, 2018
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Person 1: it's time for the Hungarian switch
Person 2: I am going to boil you alive
by Pooman69420 December 22, 2022
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When one of your bros starts nailing a chick and then switches you in so you get more experience.
If not for the Pokemon Switch, Brendan might never have gained enough sexual experience to evolve.
by BostonPremium January 14, 2011
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when in a hetereosexual relationship you can play the role as dominant and submissive
Person 1: what do you like in bed?
Person 2: straight switch
Person 3: what's that?
Person 2: where she can dominate me or I can dominate her
by Straight Switch April 3, 2015
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