Mike: Wayne can’t stop stuttering
Wayne: My name is W-W-Wayne W-W-Weare
by togayto.function June 5, 2019
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Online Stuttering Disorder, or OSD for short is a disorder found in most users who use Discord. People with this disorder tend to stutter in their sentences, for e.g "I-" "wh-" "-" "you-".

Most people with OSD are in a Discord server called Regulate
You have OSD (Online Stuttering Disorder) stupid ass nigga
by NaslsLike May 25, 2021
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Stutter drama queen a girl that is stupid and stutters all the time she is drama s9 don’t be friends with her and thinks she is the queen of England like bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bro JSUT don’t be firends with that GWORL
Stutter drama queen girl: h-h-hey di-did u know I’m th-th-the queen
You: girl shut up u stutter drama queen no one likes u

by Thebestmatrielgworlalive June 15, 2022
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A rare but highly infectious STD, that if left untreated in men, will cause the male to stutter uncontrollably upon ejaculation.
When Brandy's boyfriend caught the Stuttering Monties and then stuttered another girl's name during sex, she knew he had been cheating.
by Major Wood July 8, 2003
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To wait at least a minute before giving a minimal response to a message in order to discourage conversation. Used to avoid the guilt of completely ignoring a person.
Man 1 (9:00): Sup?
Man 2 (9:08): Sitting around.
Man 1 (9:08): Same here.
Man 1 logged off (9:12)

Man 2 thinking: thank god that reply stutter worked so quickly
by SmithGroup January 25, 2011
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A style of song that comes from the hit sensation Ke$ha where in the singer stutters they're words to add effect to their lyrics.
I heard a song today from Katy Perry that had the ke$ha-stutter style in it.
by Genesis21 November 12, 2011
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