Gunners Mate Elbow is a condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes sore and tender. It is commonly associated with doing MK45 Gun Mount maintenance and other Gunners Mate work.

Symptoms include:
-Pain on the outer part of elbow.

-Point tenderness over the lateral epicondyle – a prominent part of the bone on the outside of the elbow.

-Gripping and movements of the wrist hurt, especially wrist extension and lifting movements.

-Activities that use the muscles that extend the wrist (e.g. pouring a pitcher or gallon of milk, lifting with the palm down) are characteristically painful.

-Morning stiffness.
I just got done cleaning this gun barrel and now my Gunners Mate Elbow is really killing me.
by SEW666 January 20, 2010
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Describes a lady with large erect nipples, see also chapel hat pegs, Adidas heel studs, pigmy's cocks.
Jesus Christ have you seen her nipples, they're like rear gunners thumbs!
by cheesey February 13, 2004
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A law school gunner is a law student that will do anything, including sexual favors, for a good grade.
Bob: I heard she gave the Prof a blowjob.
Steve: She is such a law school gunner.
by Bob and Steve November 29, 2006
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A humorous term for an "armchair commando:" one who likely did not serve in the military yet insists they did highly unbelievable things in the military.
"I met this Space Shuttle Door Gunner at the store the other day, yeah, he said he and his buddy were in Vietnam shooting bad guys from a mile away with their M16s"
by AR-15 October 14, 2005
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A humorous reference to rear echelon personnel (air force) who like to talk up how much combat experience they have.
Yeah, that Jack is a real hero. Ask him about his tour as a Space Shuttle Door Gunner if you want to shut him up.
by JonathanH October 13, 2005
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A humorous term for an "armchair commando:" one who likely did not serve in the military yet insists they did highly unbelievable things in the military.
"I met this Space Shuttle Door Gunner at the store the other day, yeah, he said he and his buddy were in Vietnam shooting bad guys from a mile away with their M16s"
by Macman37 October 14, 2005
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