Gen z are filled with a bunch of pussies and libtards who don’t know anything and they are scared of any little thing and they get offended by so many stupid things
Gen z are so sensitive and they are pussies
by 1995-2009 February 20, 2021
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Most gen z girls are the most fucking retarded in the brain people to walk this earth.
TikTok and other bullshit services have rotted their brains so fucking much that they think 2021 backwards is 2012.
By the time they get to make executive decisions, the world will go to fuck.
I honestly think a genocide is in order.
Gen z girl: bruh blacks can't be racist, because you can only be racist to blacks.
Anyone with an iq over a potato: no you fucking shit, stop making whites the minority
Xavier: bro heard you got a gf, who is it?
Michael: oh, it's Sally!
Xavier: bruh isn't she like all other gen z girls who are retarded?
Michael: oh yeah.... I'm gonna dump her
by I hate your life for you August 6, 2021
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She's the Karen amongst your friends. She's hip and modern... typically a teen.

She's actually dope, but will throw a fit when anyone bothers her or her friends.

She's the type that would go up to her friend's s/o and say "break their heart, and I'll break your face".

Friend: OMG, my teacher gave me a C on a paper
Gen Z Karen: Gimme that lil shit's email... imma roast his face off bitch
by Heyyitzdan July 3, 2021
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The term Gen Z bimbo is both an adjective and a noun derived from the word bimbo, but unlike its predecessor, it isn't derogatory and/or belittling. Instead, it's to used to describe someone, usually a woman, (also see thembos and himbos) who according to TikTok user @chrissychlapecka (self identified Gen Z bimbo) is a dumb but not that dumb radical leftist who supports the Black Lives Matter movement, is pro-choice, pro-sex work, and pro-LGBTQ+, steps on trump supporters, and is always there for their "girls gays and theys". She also adds that they aren't bimbos for the misogynistic male gaze but for their own gaze.
This tiktok user is a total gen z bimbo. (noun)
That's gen z bimbo behaviour. (adj)
by time is a flat circle January 3, 2021
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Today's younger generation is so stupid. They are attached to their phones 24/7 (this is coming from a teen by the way, not a boomer), can't use certain words like "gullible" and read a damn book! The irony is that the leftist young generation has voted for a boomer president more stupider than them.
Mark Dice: How many stars are presently on the American Flag?

Leftist: Uhhhh, 28?

Mark Dice: What is the last book you've read?

Leftist: I don't reed.

Mark Dice: What is the most important thing in your life right now?

Leftist: My phone!

Me: Gen Z is stupid.
by Skyrim550 August 31, 2022
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The 1997-1999 of generation Z who are told they aren’t millennials but will be made to feel old by the gen z’s.
My elder gen z friend grew up with VHS and cassettes.
“Those shoes are so 2000’s” “I got them in high school” “how elder gen z of you”
by Toricactus September 11, 2022
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Obviously, the humor used by those from Generation Z of the human species. Specifically, though, Gen Z Humor is utterly random and often confusing to those who aren't part of that generation. The explanation?'s simply just funny. See, at first, people laughed at memes and thought they were funny. That started quite a while ago and is still going now, but those from gen z have recently evolved their humor to thinking that "sex pp cum poop" labeled on an image of Mike Wazowski face swapped with James Sullivan from the Disney movie Monsters Inc. and things like that.

This was something possibly predicted by Veggietales, the kids show. In episode 18, airing on May 20th, 2003, it's about the future. At one point, Larry says that entertainment is randomly generated. He says, "What better way to achieve the unexpected?" In fact, shortly after that scene, it shows the random humor robot. A robot asks, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" and the other says, "I don't know, why did the chicken cross the road?" in which the first robot responds with, "Weed eater."

About 12 and a half years later, a video was released titled: Veggietales predicts modern internet humor. It showed that exact scene. Yes, random humor was around in 2016, but not nearly as common. Over the course of 4 years, it has become even more random to the point where some people look at it like they don't know what the fuck it is. It's still funny, though!
Person 1: Hey, penis.
Person 2: Dude, why did I even laugh, that was stupid.
Person 3: These people and this "gen z humor" nowdays...ugh.
by Murder_is_okay April 3, 2020
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