the people related to a person by blood and the everlasting friendships made throughout a person's life
Me: i just dont think she understands my suffering that i had to go from seeing all my friends 24 hrs/day 7 days/week to not at all for a month. that's TRAUMATIZING!!

Jon: adults forget that we have strong connections in other places than at home

Me: cuz in our generation- family is defined by not only our blood relatives but the friendships we share and develop throughout our lives

Jon: amen

Me: in theirs it was just by blood relations really

Jon: yeah

Me: that's why so many people in our generation love rent and my parents didnt really like it

Jon: yeah. sigh, how times have changed
by BeckieJew613 August 28, 2008
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People who care about you. People who you care about. <3
by Puppy.lover7365443 October 12, 2015
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A large orgy in which nobody wears protection (aka a rain coat). During the orgy the song "We are Family" by Sister Sledge plays at full blast from gnar amps. When the family subsides a week or two after the women that took part in the family realize they are preggos. Then when the fetuses are properly cooked, they shoot out of the vaginal passageway and make their accent into adulthood. They are all related which mean the orgy formed a family. Hence the name
After the movie tonight me and a bunch of kids are gonna go have a family.
by Danny Dapper June 29, 2009
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A group of related humans (or animals) that are blood related. Most children hate them because their Mommy didn't give them what they want. Excuse them for not buying you a Plasma TV. Most kids also hate them because "They annoy me." Heads up, you're not going to get through life with that attitude because your gonna have a worse time with coworkers and your ex's.

They're not that bad. I mean they feed you and water you. What more do you need?
Kid: "I hate my family."
Other Kid: "And why is that?"
Kid: "Because my sister gets everything she wants like a new cellphone and a pet. But I don't get anything."
Other kid: "You think maybe because your sister loves your family regardless instead of only loving them when she gets presents?"
Kid: "Whatever I hate my Parents."
by Dinukun August 24, 2009
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Going to that family reunion made me want to reunite with a noose.
by Doompenguin November 29, 2020
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