A fallacy in which a barbaric bafoon repeatedly says show me as a result of said baboon failing to come up with a reasonable argument.
Pedro uses the show me fallacy when he is wrong
by Showme123 October 17, 2020
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Broken rung fallacy.
'This rung is broken... therefore I must climb higher up the ladder!'
When true logic is going back to ground level and starting everything over the right way.
This occurs when someone is so focused on a goal - they push for said goal passed the point of reason.
Usually accompanied with rhetoric such as "there's no going back!" and "if you want to make an omelette, you've got to break some eggs!" - to eliminate 'going back to ground level' as an option.
The ladder always collapses. The farther they've pushed - the more dangerous the crash back down.
Example 1: "Workers need the cheaper goods" is a broken rung fallacy. If the jobs aren't sent over seas in the first place - they can afford the better goods.

Example 2: "Millions of women's lives would be ruined without abortions" is a broken rung fallacy. If our society doesn't encourage promiscuity in the first place - there isn't millions of women pregnant out of wedlock, in the first place.

Example 3: "Neither of us knew our fathers - so we're taking our mother's names" is a broken rung fallacy. Guaranteed both come from nontraditional families - and going farther down this path is just ensuring more broken homes.
by Cal Dirty July 5, 2022
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A reverse strawman fallacy. To defend a position or argument, that one does not hold.
Tin-man fallacy: A Christian defending the deist take on the concept of a god.
by Aaberg February 9, 2010
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The tendency of political commentators online to attribute the triumphs of their political idols over their opponents as carefully planned strategy and foresight when in reality the person had no such clairvoyance.
“im beginning to think there was no 4d chess being played and trump was just retarded”

“Sounds like you fell for the 4D Chess Fallacy anon
by Doses of Happiness November 23, 2022
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A frog's well is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy. It's a common fallacy, where a broad generalized claim is made on the pretext of a small geographical area, ignoring the rest of the globe. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "digging frog's well".
Statements like, "You know what! Sanskrit is the mother of all languages." are considered frog's well fallacy. The one who is making this kind of fallacious arguments, is digging frog's well.
by rationalanarya February 11, 2018
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A Type of Fallacy that only apologists use to dismiss the action of re-evaluating their position and to re-verify, then to only dismiss said statement or argument as fallacy, false, or incorrect.
First off, you're assuming that the family will say "the children". Not all Christian families will say that, and each individual member may have a different answer.

Second, you assume Christian families do that, but you have yet to back it up. Their reaction is not proof, they could be shocked for a number of reasons, as in, they maybe be shocked that you think something so incorrect. Even so, most families will just look at you weirdly or laugh, and say no.

At the end of the day, you have no proof; you have not fulfilled your BoP. Vote con.

A not-so-famous example of The At-The-End-Of-The-Day Fallacy!
by BM99 September 26, 2018
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Illogical form of argument for the support of fertile soil in the desert. Precursors in the desert soil have yet to be broken down by water to create fertile nutrients that aid in crop production.
The argument of the undeveloped dessert terrain can be fertile is a fire hydrant fallacy because no water exist in the dessert to develope that sexy A horizon.
by Dr.stapleton February 13, 2022
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