gary: Oh man, look at that dude with nasty curly hair and intense muscles
george: Um, thats a girl
gary: Ohh my mistake, she plays hockey
george: hugeeeee dyke
gary: HECK YES
by lynardskinna May 7, 2008
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A lesbian.

Originated because when two women rub there pussy's together it forms a wet dyke.
Look at those two girls, they are probably dykes.
by Cruiser June 21, 2004
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The word Dyke was originally a slur, but nowadays it is used as a derogatory term to refer to women who are attracted to women, also known as Lesbians or Sapphists. Though a few women who identify under this sexual preference find this term alright, most of them will find this term highly offensive. The word Dyke is more often then not used in cruel way.

The word Dyke does NOT refer to transsexual men. They are MEN, not WOMEN.
Rude: "Did you hear that she kissed some girl? Ew, what a freaking dyke!"

Neutral: "She likes girls, so I guess that makes her a dyke, right? Okay, cool."

Note: The term dyke is hardly used in a "good" or "nice" way.
by Sir Flirtsalot December 1, 2013
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A horizontal underground rock formation that is younger that the surrounding rock.
while digging the well we hit a dyke.
by Crystal March 9, 2005
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a Nickname given to girls who look, act, or infact are lesbians or have friends with spack feet or moles.
Ella - I Love you laura so much even that mole is turning me on
Laura - thats weird i thought you loved spacker
Jade - dont be so mean my feet are fine. Come on dyke lets go upstairs
Ella - SCORE!!
by TheGuyThatBoughtTheStuff August 15, 2010
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when a lesbian rides a bicycle while drinking water out of a camel pack and checking out MILFs.
dude i was walking down the street yesterday and i saw my boss dyking. she was hitting on a MILF, so I didn't interrupt.
by cyclistinbtown March 14, 2007
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