Similar to Workman's Comp, it is when you are being compensated for an injury received while house-watching for a friend.
My neighbor left on a trip to Miami three days ago. Before he left he asked me to watch over his house while he was on vacation. This included feeding his fish and letting his dogs out. While doing one of these chores, I fell down and tore my ACL. When I talked to him on the phone after the accident, I said he should compensate me for all of my medical charges related to the incident, what I wanted was house-man's comp.
by OptionalWatch December 8, 2009
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The professional computer assistant you call to help you with a computer problem who either treats you like shit because
they think they are God since they know more about computers than you or who is of absolutely no help at all because in fact they know absolutely nothing about computers and have just charged you to make your problem even worse.
I just got off the phone with that comp-u-terd who works for the company that sold me my computer. I paid $50 dollars in advance to get help removing a virus and now my hard drive won't boot.
by poppilopo June 13, 2009
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-yo solid u goin to buck tonight?
-comp-o-ton nigga
by solidtsw May 17, 2007
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competitive (comp) is a shit show cor a casual:
jerry-"i hate the sweats in comp they nake it a shit show"
by Unforgive July 10, 2019
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