Jemandem alles nachmachen, nächste hen, hinterher dackeln, wie ein kleiner Chihuahua, der seinem Besitzer überall hin führt. /Keine eigene Meinung
A: Sie macht ihrer besten Freundin auch alles nach, oder?
B: Ja, sie kann wirklich wie ein Chihuahua sein!
by JimmidyCrumpet April 28, 2020
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When a man shivers uncontrollably when he climaxes and becomes nippy.
Giovanni had such a bad case of the chihuahua sticks his girlfriend had to crate him.
by Wittle Baby Express Boy October 18, 2018
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Look at that little fucking rat dog chihuahua barking I wanna kick that bitch
by Idiot49er September 19, 2020
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An excuse for a dog: can be referred to as a rat dog.
by jaxie February 9, 2022
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a cute little furry hell beast that screams at everything it sees

also really annoying
tim "i got a chihuahua"

tims friend "i feel so bad for you"
by awriterwithnohands January 31, 2023
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Oversized rats that try to bite your legs off.
Chihuahua owners: Oh, BuT tHeY'rE sO sWeEt!!!!
Me: I don't like you at all.
by JakeTheDictionary February 20, 2022
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