Some one who will do anything and everything to get attention
"so all that shit was to get a guy"
"what an attention-whore"

Lupe is such an attention-whore look at her all over that guy after she was just with the other guy.
by Ayamie September 17, 2011
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People who have insecurities so they try to attract attention by doing stupid things to hide that
Oh god it's John again, doing his usual antics
What an attention whore!
by Hu Akbar February 20, 2017
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A person who seeks attention from anyone and everyone, but truly never cares about anyone else. They will ignore friends when new friends give them attention. They are overly nice when they first meet someone and over share their drama to gain attention. If someone sees through their deception, and doesn't like them, the attention whore plays the victim. Eventually they hurt everyone and they end up alone.
Who shares such personal issues the very minute they meet someone? An attention whore, that's who.
by Stickin to bein me December 21, 2013
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A female who will do anything (literally, ANYTHING) to attract attention away from others and onto herself.

Attention Whore activities include: screaming lots of loud curse words and sexual noises, walking around half dressed and punching confused girls with mental disorders.
Girl 1: Oh my god, Sabrina is walking around in just her underwear again.

Girl 2: Ugh, she is such an Attention Whore.
by allyallyallyallyallyally January 12, 2011
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A pretty attention whore a girl who has to have all eyes on her, she probably uses her whole name on everything, she dresses as slutty as possible with her tits sticking out and half her ass showing.
Most of her friends are way less attractive than her she always wants the guys to compliment her instead of her friends.
She'll laugh really loud and flirt with every guy no matter how old.
She'll dance like a slut at random times

just to hear how great she is,
she shakes her ass from side to side when she walks
and always talks about her tits and ass,
like this shirt makes my tits look small,
or my ass doesn't look big enough in these
jeans,or so and so said I have nice tits,
or so and so said I have a hot ass.
She'll constantly flip her hair and put on lip gloss,
she'll have the w/e I can do what I want attitude, say the word "Like" all the time,overly explain things.
She'll constantly lie and cause shit just to draw attention to herself, she flirts with every guy that comes her way despite their age, she's a tease.
Attention whore: Omg, so like earlier I was like sitting with all the guys, and like I knocked into my milk it like spilled all down my shirt, I was wearing white, I mean like you could see right through my shirt, the guys were drooling like dogs, they all said they like my tits and that I have a sexy bra.
by Eli42 December 8, 2011
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people who will do anything for attention. they will take your boyfriends/girlfriends. they will talk shit about you , they will steal your friends , and lastly all they want is attention. they don't care about you , or your problems. They want to be popular and they want attention.
guy 1: this girl was totally coming on to me last night.
guy 2: who bro?
guy 1: my girlfriends best friend shes being like one of those attention whores.
guy 2: oh damn..
by xonewjerseyxo June 29, 2011
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applies to people craving attention, especially "emos" *looks up emo on internet* basically people who try to get attention from anyone and everyone by doing lots of v strange things.
emo1: "oomg i have one earring in AND last night i went to a gay bar"
normalperson1: "shes such an attention whore"
by maaanda September 26, 2005
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