When you are typing and you think you didn't press a key, but you actaully did.
Me: Whoa I think I just got a slippy key!
Kieran: Nah bro you pressed r!
Me: aaahhh, ok bro thx!
Kieran: np
by NovaWaffle November 15, 2019
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The husband of the lunch lady, trying to hold on while she gushes..
Yo dawg, that girl's hot, you know her?

Yeah, she's Slippy Joe's.
by JackTrades July 31, 2019
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That little puddle of piss on a French fountain
"ah shit I sat on a slippy fontaine, now piss will be in my pants for years!"
by Jaffa pope July 7, 2021
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when your jaw senselessly loses control and moves side to side without you being aware of it: under the effects of ecstasy.
yooo check mikey's slippy gurn!

man that pills giving you a slippy gurn bro

woah that guys gone all the way to spangladesh, slippy gurn for days
by smallmally bigs May 24, 2017
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A small thin penis that is abnormally slick and cracks like a whip
by HelloMyPenisIsBig November 9, 2018
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When a man goes out / leaves a party with a person he does not find attractive, due to unspecified reasons, but ends up sleeping with anyway.

A man who can't control his sexual urges once the opportunity presents itself.
Person 1: Hey, what happened after you left the party?
Person 2: I ended up going with that girl to her place and we had some intimate times.
Person 1: I thought you weren't into her.
Person 2: I got a slippy dick man, I can't control it.
by Sirbro April 8, 2019
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Slippy Susan, is someone who slipps alot while under the influence.( ex: Did you see Dave lastnight, man he sure was a Slippy Susan.) So if you see someone slippy like susan, holler it out! Slippy Susaaan!
-Did you see Dave lastnight, man he sure was a Slippy Susan.
- When someone is spilling their drink, Slippy Susan.
- Someone screws something up, they Slippy Susaned it!
by Breet Master! February 5, 2010
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