Todo for short, is a person who is very cool and laid back, yet they do worry about you cause they care about you. They have very nice tendencies and will be nice too most people who come their way, unless their rude. They are also very beautiful and will always be humble about it.

Basically just an amazing person.
She's definitely a Todo (Todoroki's Waifu <3) type of person
by verysmort September 25, 2020
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The Waifu King (Peter) went into looking at a Siscon manga for 40 minutes. Right after he was caught lacking, the whole group chat flamed him and it was the start of his revenge. He soon started bagging waifus left and right and gained his title "The Waifu King"
Joel: "Aye have you seen Peter?"
Chris: "Nah, ever since The Waifu King Incident, hes's been going rogue"
by wushlongs1432 October 28, 2021
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Waifu is used for a hot Anime girl
by LuShu December 31, 2022
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V. A term to symbolize the union of a Baka and his Waifu.
Ted: "Hey Frank, did you hear? Simon finally Waifued Miranda!"
Frank: "Wow, I was wondering if that guy was ever gonna propose-"
by SNM1105 November 12, 2018
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Will repeatedly send anime on a discord server and when asked to stop he just says give me the hentai master rank.
Well... He achieved it but at what cost...
waifu consumer sent new waifu material did you check it out?
oh shit lemme check it *completely skips it all cause hes a normie* yeah man good stuff
oh stfu cunt you didnt read shit
by altum accountum August 26, 2020
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A person who is literally hated by everyone in a group/community/team and etc. In short term: A person who is constantly getting hate by everyone in a space.
Person A: Yo! I like the new person that just came into our group!
Person B: What?! He’s a Hate Waifu to all of us! What are you talking about?
Person C: B’s Right, You should hate on him!
by fizsicalwhimsical May 31, 2023
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