A waifu is a fictional character that whom a person find as their romantic partner.
by reiomo July 21, 2023
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A waifu is the descriptive word for a fictional anime or video game character in which you have feelings for. this magical creatures are mostly talked among otakus and weeaboos because they dont have any loved ones in real life. Therefore bringing back to the topic WAIFU which stands for Why Am I Forever Unloved W.A.I.F.U
by AnImE FoR LiFe May 23, 2018
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Used to refer to a female fictional character that the user experiences attraction to.

The term originated from the manga Azumanga Daioh, where character Mr Kimura uses the term to refer to his actual wife. (Yes, the original definition is literally just "wife" in Engrish.)
Guy 1: "(insert character here) is my waifu"
Guy 2: "(insert tangent about Azumanga Daioh)
by CapTouhou June 13, 2022
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Speedwagon from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is the true definition of a waifu.

Speedwagon has all of the attributes of a true waifu
“The real waifu is speedwagon
by BuonGioGio July 27, 2023
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