crazy, nuts, insane, having flipped one's lid
You want to bungie jump off the Empire State Building: you are totally off your trolley !!!
by Jon64Bailey January 13, 2008
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to be outwardly gay
Jason: "What's up with him?"
Phil: "He's riding the rainbow trolley"

"Did you see Roger in that flamboyant hat? He was sure riding the rainbow trolley...."

"Did you see Jason and Phil at that party? They were totally riding the rainbow trolley"
by Sharkdog January 21, 2004
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Nearly identical to a regular standard baby changing table, except a diaper changing trolley is equipped with casters so one can roll it around the house, or from room to room. Diaper changing trollies are often used in baby daycare centres, halfway houses, foster care homes, and institutional settings, where large numbers of children are in diapers.

Diaper changing trollies are used to store all of the babies diaper changing needs, as well as a diaper pail. Diaper changing trollies were popular and widely used in the U.K. throughout the 1960's and 70's.
After supper I rolled the diaper changing trolley down the hall from baby room to baby room, to take care of all the children's diaper changes.

Before starting the diaper changing, I double checked that the diaper changing trolley was well stocked with extra diapers, rubber pants, and a clean diaper pail.
by Lorraine Jorgenson. December 11, 2006
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To tell someone to hold on, or tell them to reconsider their last statement.
"damn she's hot!"
"back the trolley up man, she's got absolutely nothing going for her."
by Scott DeBoer September 26, 2007
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Expression used when someone FINALLY gets the gist of what you're telling/teaching them to do. Usually said for laughs or weirdness/British points.
Idiot: So you put the acid in and THEN the cheese?

You: No, BACON, then cheese

Idiot: oh THAT'S how you make a cheeseburger!

You: Now you're on the trolley!
by skymar February 21, 2010
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A perverse sexual act involving a combination of a Cleveland Steamer, Facial, and Dirty Sanchez. Also referred to as the 'MTT'.
"I gave that bitch the Monterey Trumpet Trolley, and after she cleaned the shit and cum off her face, she straight bugged out!"
by Merrstacks August 29, 2007
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