Trans, a female to male. a person who was born a girl and transitions to a male, and usually listens the cavetown or has listened to the song “this is home” probably crazy in a good way and probably the nicest person you’ve ever met
“Wow you look different since I last saw you”
me: *is a boy*
“Are you a transgender male?”
“No I’m a straight-cis white girl”
“Of course I’m trans dibshit
by Honey 😏 November 4, 2020
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Intentionally calling a transgender person by the wrong pronouns in an attempt to "keep them from transitioning."
Mom: I wont call you a girl because you'll always be my little boy.

Transgender Daughter: That's just transgender erasure and it just makes things worse.
by SwimmerBoss June 21, 2020
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a meme as an older version of "your mom gay" or "ur mum gae" or "your mom gae".
random guy on internet: "surrender transgender"
by random mindcrack guy March 21, 2019
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FTM Transgender is a biologically born Female who just so happens to be born with a male mind which causes dysphoria which causes a lot of pain and suicidal thoughts
Zak: hey I'm FTM Transgender
Friends: we will support you
by LemonBoyxXx March 1, 2019
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Activities that involve nose drugs by more than one transgender individual. Typically done in Bikestop’s alleyway, but not limited too.
Do you want to do transgender activities? I have some in my witch finger.
by Luna Thee Jawnette November 14, 2022
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