Cheap shit you can find at autozone to deck out your car/truck. Typically used by Mexicans hence the name.
Man check out the mex effects on that truck!
by Mr J March 8, 2018
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The rebuilt Big Tex that acquired a hispanic makeover.
They rebuilt Big Tex after the fire last year,and brought him back to the State Fair. The extreme makeover they did makes him look more like Big Mex.
by bro_david_214 October 4, 2013
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lets go to the chex-mex place down the block for lunch
by ploop1 July 12, 2009
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ST Mex AKA “Silver Tongued Mexican,” “Saint Mexico” and/or “Steve’s Mexica” is an underground rapper born in Nashville, Tennessee from illegal immigrants into a tumultuous, tortuous life that evolved him into the most dangerous MCs of all the South. Utilizing tongue-twisting rhyme schemes, Big-Pun styled alliteration, and academically vivid imagery, ST Mex confronts modern Mexican life with sobering conscious poetry.

ST Mex is also known for coining terms such as, “The Cholocaust,” “The New American Fascist Movement,” and “Spicacyde,”
“Ayao glug, you gonna catch the ST Mex show tonight?”
Negatory. He’s still being gate kept by all the Nazi punk rock posers.”
by oligarchinthejadethrown November 21, 2021
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A cuisine that is made up of the Tex-Mex and Mexican food, found is many restaurants along Lakes Travis and Austin. Lake-Mex cuisine is often accompanied by frozen alcoholic drinks, water-front views, patio seating, sunsets and live music.
Iguana Grill (Lake-Mex), Maudie's Hill Country (Lake-Mex)
by notmandy July 18, 2012
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Text Mex
When I send a text message to my Mexican friend Jose I'm sending him a Text Mex
by Garm93 June 2, 2022
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(n): people with the complexion, facial hair, and other characteristics commonly attributed to Mexicans, who are generally socially awkward and as a result sketch around the place; often attracted to anything (animal, food, human, other object) that is black or very dark
Ed: Hey, do you see that couple over there?

Brooke: Yeah I do, they're so weird...

Ed: I don't see how that works.

Brooke: Me either, he's such a sketch mex
by TheChemistryMagician May 21, 2012
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