A slur for straight people. Only allowed to be used by members of the Alphabet Mafia. Used for people who's Tik Tok fyp is presumably straight Tik Tok.
We just bumped into some of the straggots from school.
by BisexualBumblebee111 May 9, 2021
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a straggot is someone who is straight. it can be used as an insult due to their sexuality.
"silly straighties" said Daniel
"I know they're such straggots" said Floris.
by bracefacelily August 18, 2020
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a person that is offended when the table turns😺
basically a slur for straight (maybe homophobics or racists/trump supporters) basic people😌✨
“— Omg she just said the n word/the f slur🤭”
“—What a straggot🙄 “
by ilikememes731 August 22, 2020
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normally used by teenage girls/kpop stans who use their sexuality as if it's their entire personality.

similar community to those who use "no❤️", "i-" and "chille lemme just-"
person: well i disagree because...legitmate argument
mentally ill person: oh so now the straggot is gonna preach to us, educate yourself luv xx✨🧚

person: yeah im also so unique because im not straight too
by whatshisnamee August 25, 2020
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A term used for heterosexual people (mostly men) who make rape jokes, sexualizes lgbtq+, is homophobic/transphobic (etc.), and/or is just a shitty person on purpose but is straight.
"That straggot said he was 'super-straight', he needs to shut the fuck up"
by @i_am_ring0 on instagram April 24, 2021
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a word that only alphabet mafia(the LGBTQ+ community)can use since the letter “f” in faggot is replaced with “stra”,it does not have a traumatic background like other slurs so if u are a straight person who thinks the alphabet mafia can’t say it shut up with kindness❤️
wow chad is such a straggot
by cockchopper January 1, 2021
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