I understand where you are coming from; I hear ya
Unrealistic Dude #1: How am I suppose to synthesis this molecule for her if she won't tell me what the stereochemistry is at carbon 6? You feel me?
Unrealistic Dude #2: Yeah, I smell your light saber. That shit ain't right.
by angioblast August 28, 2009
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The act of ejaculating into both of a girl's nostrils and having the cum leak out in two trails giving the appearance of a saber-tooth tiger.
She's left me on read ever since I gave her the fucked up saber-tooth tiger.
by Yeefus2022 February 2, 2021
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Anyone who has ever refered to themself as a Jedi, dressed up like a Star Wars charater, or can't go more then two seconds without mentioning anything from the Star Wars universe. These lowly creatures can often be found in their parents house watching any or all of the Star Wars movies for the fiftith fucking time this month. Often they can be found in possesion of copeous amounts of memoribilia, especially one of those goddamn plastic light sabers.
My friend at work is cool, but all he ever talks about is Star Wars. What a meat saber sucking Jedi ass-master.
by angryboy July 24, 2006
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Rattle Sabering is Saber Rattling's impotent cousin. While Saber Rattling is a hollow threat to use tactics or weaponry that could actually be dangerous, Rattle Sabering is an even weaker threat made with nothing real to back it up; imagine a toddler swinging his toy rattle like a sword -- that's Rattle Sabering!
Their lawyer threatened us with a groundless lawsuit based on "violations" and "public policies" that he completely fabricated. Total Rattle Sabering!
by JC2af July 13, 2022
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A hot woman who is older than a cougar.
Teddy's gradma is a saber-toothed tiger!
by Tino Orbaega February 7, 2019
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Saber Saturday is all about light sabers. It happens every Saturday.
Guy1: dude where is your light saber.

Guy2: what do you mean.

Guy1: it's saber Saturday. You're supposed to bring you're light saber.
by glowingcat77 February 19, 2022
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