Being a moron for the sake of being a moron.
Being a moron for the sake of being a moron is... moronic.
by Gameguy602 August 7, 2010
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Someone who is a idiot and quite stupid.
Hook is such a moron.
by the burg's finest guy March 1, 2012
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1. Donald Trump.
2. Jake Paul.
3. A synonym for idiot used as a descriptor of a living thing, such as a pet, animal, or human.
Person 1: I put pasta in my salad
Person 2: Your a fucking moron, self yourkill.
by Superbro133 March 9, 2018
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A generic insult mainly used by white people, pertaining to someone with low intelligence
Some white person: Why'd you back into my car, moron?!
by wqefhgtrwtER456 November 23, 2006
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Someone who is a Fool, a bit off a idiot, a Fool, and a bit off a twat!
"Hello you are a Moron Mr William!"

"But, But, But....No....."

by Rusty14 January 13, 2008
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A person who thinks they have experience at something because they have seen others do it.

An idiot.
Hillary Clinton is a moron to think she is going to get elected.

Hillary Clinton was a moron to stay with Bill after the Blue Dress incident.
by Got Ollie? February 15, 2008
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a flock of teenagers or 'tweens', usually male : a group of teenagers
That moron of teenagers over there is about to taste bacon.
by alpha_charlie_zero July 14, 2014
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