Keira is a kind person who has good taste in friends and is ugly and unintelligent but makes up for it with her awesome personality. She also loves reading books and is flat with no curves.
Ew, is that a Keira??
Get it away from me.

You know, she’s not bad after you get to know her.
by Giant doge September 20, 2018
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Keira is a beautiful young girl who loves to dance 💃 and sing 🎤 she has brown hair she has an amazing personality and is honest most of the time she’s a bit shy at times but when she wants to she can be loud, if you aren’t friends with a girl named Keira you should definitely get a friend with this wonderful name ❤️❤️❤️❤️💗
Keira is as beautiful as the sun

Keira is as pretty as you the dance floor
by Weirdoooo321 February 21, 2018
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One of the best people you will ever meet. Keira is sweet and beautiful but she doesn’t believe it even tho it is true. Everything about her is amazing from her looks to her personality. She really knows how to cheer a friend up when they need it and can put a smile on anyone’s face but she can also be serious when she needs to. Although she helps other people she needs help herself. She always has a lot on her mind but she is strong and brave to get through it no matter what it is. If you loose her you will forever regret it and she will never forgive you.
that’s keira she’s amazing and beautiful isn’t she😍
by teehee luv x November 27, 2020
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keira is the most wonderful girl on earth. She is a fighter, amazing at karate and very smart. she is the best friend you will ever meet as she is so sweet and kind.
oh my gosh have you heard that valerie is friends with keira?

“i wish i could have a friend like her!”
by keira is my bff October 7, 2019
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a beautiful medium-tall blondie! loves the beach and is a bit of a shopaholic. hilarious and sweet with a lot of friends as she is great at making them! a boy-magnet even though nobody knows it, super energetic and just an overall great human who constantly smells like heaven.

shes an incredible hugger who always puts everybody in front of herself. Beautiful outside and in but doesn't know it and is very insecure. Needs to have more self-confidence as she is gorgeous but wears too much makeup
person 1: she smells heavenly
person 2: that's because shes a keira
by 4realtho?? June 4, 2018
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keira is such an alpha bro
by atzvo September 6, 2021
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the most amazing girl you’ll ever meet. keira will have your back no matter what and will always be there for you. she is not popular but she talks to anyone and everyone. keira is super loyal and kind. she is the perfect person to talk to in hard times and will always put a smile on your face. she is also so so so stunning! if you have a bestie named keira, she’s a keeper :)
person 1: omg keira is talking to that phoebe girl, she’s so weird

person 2: no way! Keira is the nicest girl on this planet!
by @yooo October 15, 2019
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