Ff Is short for forbidden friends. It's when friend 1 & friend 2 wants to be biffles but their separate group of friends are like da fuq. like really. I can have play dates with anyone I want
Friend 1 : lets have a play date.

Friend 2: omg yes!

friend 1's group: dude why are you with friend 2, it's not that I don't like him/her, it's just wierd.

Friend 1: but she's like my biffle.
Friend 1's group: we're your biffles ugh. when did you start to ditch us.

friend 2's group: why are you suddenly hanging out with friend 1?
friend 2: you don't like her/him?
friend 2's group: we do but like it's weird. You're supposed to be with us.

like honestly. You need to stop and let friend 1 & 2 have other friends besides forcing them to hang out with your group.
by yafeelmebrah September 13, 2013
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A gay ass Medal Of Honor(MOH) clan from Gunderson High School where the leader and co-leader think they are the best.
by ThEsImPlEoNe April 1, 2005
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An abbreviation for many things, most notably Firefox, Final Fantasy and frontflip

Firefox - a popular web browser by Mozilla

Final Fantasy - a popular series of RPG games

Frontflip - a forward rotation in acrobatics or extreme sports
by spitsbergen March 15, 2010
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Acronym for “Feynman Freaking Sweet”.
A: “How did you feel about the Feynman Lectures on Physics?”
B: “ffs bro!”
by DeadCatAlive October 23, 2018
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p1: someone just hacked my account FFS
by IMS WIMS November 16, 2017
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player1 one team kills player2

player1: ffs
player2: you suck!
by atledpikachu March 7, 2008
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